Q & A

1.    Where is the venue for the Pathways Program?
Scarboro United Church: 134 Scarboro Ave SW

2.    Where do I go when I arrive at Scarboro United Church?
Enter at the front door of the sanctuary which faces south.  You will then be directed to your venue by the front desk attendant.

3.    Is an accompanist required for the Pathways Program?  
A collaborative artist is required for concertos and any other concerted work. If you are in need of a collaborative artist, please contact our project coordinator, Jasmine Long, at pathwaysinformation@gmail.com.

4.    What can I include in my Pathways recital program?
Any classical music selection may be performed. For example, you could include a complete concerto or just one movement, unaccompanied Bach, studies, a complete sonata or one movement, virtuoso concert “party pieces”. Regardless of what you play, your recital is strongly recommended but not required to meet the minimum time set in the syllabi, but cannot be more than the maximum time limit for your particular class.

5.    Will warmup rooms be available before I play?
Yes – The space assigned to you will be subject to the classes going on in the surrounding venues in the church at that time.

6.    Can parents, relatives or friends attend my performance?
Yes - We ask that guardians/parents sit in the back pews, away from the Clinicians. If you have a special circumstance, please contact our project coordinator, Jasmine, at pathwaysinformation@gmail.com.

7.    May I enter Pathways as a non-competitor but still play a recital program for feedback from the Clinicians?

8.    When will I receive my written remarks?
Your written comments will be e-mailed to you shortly after the Pathways Program ends. The Clinicians will also provide oral comments right after your performance so please do not leave the venue!

9. Will scholarships be awarded?
Yes - Scholarships will be awarded based on recommendations by the Clinicians.

10. Do I have to memorize my music?
It is not mandatory but it is strongly encouraged. If you are using your scores - please provide an additional copy for the Clinicians, with your measure numbers marked at the beginning of each line.

11. Am I required to bring sheet music with me?
Yes - you must bring a copy of each piece you’ll be performing. Please remember to mark your measures directly on your score at the beginning of each line.