About Us


Brought to you under the auspices of the Canadian Music Competition, Southern Alberta Committee. We offer educational opportunities for serious classical music students to perform in front of an audience and receive feedback from renowned . The Pathways Program is offered to String, Piano and Wind players from ages 7-29.


Promote the musical art form, further its development and teaching, and make it more accessible by supporting musicians and others dedicated to studying it or pursuing it as a career.


Contribute to the vitality of Canadian culture by supporting exceptional young musicians.


Excellence – Perseverance – Commitment – Determination


The Canadian Music Competition (CMC)  has ensured the vitality of new generations of high-level classical musicians in every community in which it is active, thereby demonstrating its commitment and raison d’être on the Canadian cultural landscape.  CMC operates in 7 provinces across the country and southern Alberta  is a proud part of this organization. The same spirit that motivated the founders remains alive and well today among all the volunteers who contribute to CMC. They are pillars of the organization, giving the competition the energy it requires to pursue its goals. CMC classes provide a unique educational tool for music teachers (from elementary to university levels), is a source of motivation, and provides  an indispensable learning environment for emerging musicians.